This allowed the display of cursors, graphic elements under construction, and the like on computer terminals.
Aura power itself allows certain elements such as fire, water, ice, wind, lightning, earth, and light to be used by those who have the ability.
They allowed important elements to shine through the dense musical texture.
In the making of the series Motohiro allowed very graphic elements even though they could reduce female viewership.
A subset of these objects had sufficient data to allow orbital elements to be computed.
They allowed elements of Mogaba's force to get into the camp itself.
This allowed the transference or morpho-syntactical elements into the Tehuelche.
A more fundamental question is: to what extent do we allow cultural elements of the first century to be transferred to our day?
The standard interface allows elements from different manufacturers to be incorporated into a network under a single management control.
So, these languages usually allow arbitrary new elements to be created at any time.