The federal government allows certain entities mentioned above to act as a Pass-through entity in order to provide the federal assistance to another recipient.
To discourage foreign exchange pressure, the Japanese government decided to open capital market allowing foreign entities to issue yen-denominated bonds.
That decision allowed entities held by the Fastow partnership that owed money to Enron to avoid particular losses.
"This program has allowed for-profit entities to be included," she said.
The partnership was created to allow entities from different sectors in the region to cooperate.
However poor communications and a distant central power allowed basic feudal entities to develop often self-sufficient and heavily agrarian.
Massachusetts law allows regional compacts, traditional counties and other governmental entities.
We can't restrict private individuals from speaking but then allow corporate entities like blogs, newspapers, tv shows to conduct political campaigning at the same time.
It will not also allow other entities to use it for ends other than the one prescribe by its oath of conduct.
The legislation also allowed for the first time non-European entities to wholly own a British television company.