This page sets out the arguments in favour of allowing euthanasia in certain cases.
Even if euthanasia is not a bad thing, some people believe that allowing euthanasia will result in bad things happening.
So they think that it would be too big a risk to allow euthanasia at all.
They say that it is not true that allowing euthanasia will lead to bad things.
This page sets out the arguments against allowing euthanasia.
Some people fear that allowing euthanasia sends the message, "it's better to be dead than sick or disabled".
This was the third time he has introduced a bill to allow voluntary euthanasia or assisted suicide since 2003.
In 2008 Smith put forward a private member's bill that would allow euthanasia in Victoria.
But, he said, "you should not allow euthanasia for the first two years," because many patients reach an accommodation with the illness.
That argument is not watertight, however, because existing law does not allow euthanasia.