This was long before UK coalition government reforms that allow £9,000 fees to be charged from 2011.
And the said courts shall have power to allow such fees and charges of their officers as shall be reasonable and proper in the premises.
Under this scheme it received a subsidy from the local education authority allowing fees to be based on the ability to pay, with some places being free.
And in recent years, many previously allowed fees have been reduced.
What did they think would happen when allowing fees to rise to £9,000!?
"After all, we allow fees for upgrading of roads, traffic, street lights and sewers," he said.
This means that cabinet will ultimately decide whether or not to allow such fees.
New Jersey and Connecticut have legislation to allow fees for improvements to roads and sewer, drainage and water systems.
This approach allows higher fees for QoS as long as there is no exclusivity in service contracts.
Actually the lawyers were working pro bono but the judge allowed legal fees anyway based on what they would have charged.