It allows filmmakers to re-photograph one or more strips of movie.
(Editing machines even allow filmmakers to dwell on photos with a mechanism called the Ken Burns effect.)
For instance, the Project Greenlight site has nearly 26,000 members, and its message boards have allowed filmmakers to find collaborators in their own cities.
Camera technologies such as thermal imaging have allowed filmmakers to explore and explain the natural world by showing us what the naked eye can't see.
The Festival was conceived in 2001 by filmmaker Roger Maunder to allow local filmmakers to exhibit their works of filmography.
This growth allowed filmmakers in Italy to approach new genres and new styles not attempted before.
For the first time, Spielberg allowed filmmakers to shoot footage on the set of one of his films.
This allowed Indian independent filmmakers to reach a global audience.
These techniques allowed filmmakers to insert or merge special effects into movies using computerized digital imaging.
This allowed filmmakers to feel free to ask their film subject to do something they would like to document.