It allows for new types of scams, too, but the existing regulatory scheme frustrates the innovation.
The former scoring method does not allow for other scoring types such as safeties.
It is programmable through microcode, allowing the chip's functions to be significantly altered if necessary, to allow for different types of work, precision, and workloads.
One of the optionally available items was Digital signal processing integrated into the stereo system that allowed sound modification for various types of music.
It will allow for different types of content and an explosion of possible channels.
Federal law allows for multiple types of Political Action Committees.
The zoning has since been changed to allow for other types of companies to locate there.
Different forms of nuclear weapons delivery (see above) allow for different types of nuclear strategies.
Ascend: Hand of Kul allows for several different types of customization.
They also allow for various types of transitions between video clips, such as fades, blends, and wipes.