These regulations can apply to any person who allows dangerous goods to be carried, not just the transport operator.
The first floor includes trap doors, which allowed goods to be hoisted up from the canal boats into the warehouse.
The basin allowed other goods to be transported into the city such as cotton (from 1784) and building materials, and food.
Help means allowing more American goods to enter this country.
Canals were built to allow heavy goods to be moved easily where they were needed.
They were part of established trade networks which allowed goods and information to flow over substantial distances.
True, the crown sometimes helped by allowing bulk goods to travel without paying tolls.
Egypt has alternately restricted or allowed goods and people to cross that terrestrial border.
We cannot allow goods and workers from low-wage countries to flood into Europe.
The bridge enhance economic and commercial opportunities on both sides of the river, allowing goods and people to move across more easily.