Although the ski resort has long allowed hikers through, for more than a decade it has resisted selling.
A one-way access road goes through the park, allowing hikers, bikers and pedestrians on one side and cars on the other.
Benches along the route allow hikers time to stop and appreciate the natural areas.
The park contains several tracks allowing hikers to view the park's waterfalls and vistas to the coastal plain.
The Trail is multi-use and depending on the section may allow hikers, bicyclists, horseback riders, cross country skiers and snowmobilers.
Several of these trails intersect, allowing hikers to combine routes for more challenging hikes.
It is unlocked only on weekends, allowing hikers and picnickers to climb to the top, or just lay out a picnic blanket in its surrounding grassy area.
A local tour company representative transfers bags to the next inn, allowing hikers to travel light and at their own pace.
Duckboards are used to allow hikers to walk over wet and/or muddy ground, like a swamp or shores of a lake.
We don't allow hikers here.