Among them were provisions allowing legal immigrants to be deported if they used more than 12 months of public benefits.
The proposed law would, among other changes, allow immigrants to hold a German passport without giving up citizenship of their mother countries.
It would also allow immigrants who were here then to receive benefits if they become disabled in the future.
"We must stop allowing immigrants to pile up here," he says.
The process of allowing immigrants into a particular country has been believed to have effects on wages and employment.
"After 9/11, we don't have the luxury of allowing unlimited illegal immigrants into this country."
Allowing illegal immigrants to enter and stay in this country is irrational.
But it has also depended heavily on laws and policies that have allowed legal immigrants to become American in every sense.
President Bush's plan to allow illegal immigrants to work hard for their citizenship would give people the lives they deserve.
Hernandez wants to find a way to allow illegal immigrants to become citizens.