The result was a triangular base that allowed fire in all directions.
It has also been played on a triangular board, with jumps allowed in all 3 directions.
In the U.S. installations two ground dipoles are used, oriented perpendicular to each other, to allow transmission in all directions.
As for permeability, it suggests that residential areas should be permeable enough to allow movement in all directions but no more.
Sparse undergrowth allowed a good view in all directions, and not far off, a small clear stream splashed over mossy stones.
Both joints are designed to allow free rotation in all directions.
A gatehouse was set in every wall, allowing access in all four directions.
On the upper floor was the control room, with its charts and television viewplates which allowed vision in all directions from sending plates fixed on the surface in various areas.
The LN3-2A platform is a four-gimbal system (outerroll, pitch, innerroll and azimuth) allowing the airplane 360 degrees of rotation in all directions.
Cyberwalk: A virtual-reality-based omnidirectional treadmill has been developed that will allow unrestrained walking in all directions.