In residential and office buildings, tenants consider workout operations a desirable amenity, sometimes allowing landlords to charge higher rents.
And it could allow other landlords to do the same.
You didn't mention that the law allows landlords a 20 percent rent hike en route to code compliance.
Back then, many leases allowed landlords little or no opportunity to adjust their rents as operating expenses and taxes climbed skyward.
It also allowed landlords to raise rents to that level by making renovations.
Republicans have called for allowing landlords to bring rents to market rate upon vacancy, a policy known as vacancy decontrol.
I believe the law was intended to allow landlords in small, brownstone-type buildings to recover an apartment or a few apartments.
The very low mortgages allowed landlords to make a profit while renting to low- and moderate-income tenants.
Loopholes in the law even allowed landlords to profit from the programme.
The new measure would have allowed landlords to use their own architects or engineers to inspect such late repairs.