The 8-to-0 decision, the first signed opinion of the Court's 1990-91 term, said general maritime law allowed wrongful-death lawsuits in such cases.
"If we allow lawsuits against the military it will unnecessarily complicate the national security of this country."
To allow lawsuits by individuals who have been reading this warning for more than 30 years is the height of hypocrisy.
The bill would allow lawsuits only in certain cases like death, dismemberment, disfigurement or permanent injury.
The court cited measures in Connecticut and California that have allowed old lawsuits to move forward.
One would allow civil lawsuits against paramedics and other health care providers who have negligently provided services.
But he opposes allowing lawsuits to be filed decades after the abuse.
The law was expanded in 2001 to allow lawsuits from crime victims seeking virtually any money prisoners receive.
And just a few of them allow lawsuits only when the injury is serious or permanent, as defined by state laws and regulations.
But Florida and most other states have either waived immunity to allow lawsuits against agencies or limited damages.