As for the recent criticism of the N.S.C. for allowing foreign lobbyists to attend White House coffees, that screening duty is the responsibility of the Secret Service.
The new law was intended to close a big loophole that allowed lobbyists who were seeking fat state contracts to go about their business secretly - without registering with the lobbying commission.
Outrageously, Mr. DeLay has reportedly allowed lobbyists who contribute to write their own special interest legislation ("because," he said, "they have the expertise").
But the two meals actually cost $186.06, in excess of the $150 annual limit the state allowed lobbyists to spend on lawmakers in 1997, Ms. Bergeron said.
In debates over the budget, the American Association of Retired Persons has assumed a relatively low profile, allowing other lobbyists to denounce Medicare cutbacks in more strident terms.
House Democrats haven't allowed lobbyists at their conference since 1989.
There were complaints in Illinois that the disclosure requirements were often not rigorous enough and allowed lobbyists to work "without public notice" and with possible "conflicts of interest".
There is also no reason to legislate a loophole allowing lobbyists to get a legislator to make their pitch for a state contract.
That is only right, and I think it is excellent that we have not allowed the chemical industry lobbyists to block this very necessary decision.
Groups that lobby for open government, like Common Cause, have criticized the ruling because it allowed interest groups and lobbyists to give money to a powerful legislator without public disclosure.