Virtual worlds and MMORPGs may host persistent online advertisements by allowing marketers to purchase virtual real estate.
As infomercials continue to blur the lines between advertising and programming, they allow marketers like MGM/United Artists to become less dependent on regular television programs or 30-second spots to achieve visibility for their products.
The charges against Endovascular Technologies, a wholly owned subsidiary that Guidant acquired in 1997, describe a company that allowed marketers to influence its scientific decisions when faced with a public health risk.
Many changes will be attractive to advertisers either because they will help to reduce media costs or will allow marketers to zero in on certain consumers more precisely.
This allows marketers to be more precise in their actions, measure results more effectively, and increase returns.
(*)Transcreation allows local marketers to take the essence of a global advertising message and tailor it to their market.
CM1 is delivered as a product allowing marketers to take control over their web content marketing without relying on IT or web developers.
This decline allowed marketers to reach consumers more effectively.
In 1999, Mr. Pai said, California will allow marketers like Enron to handle the billing and metering of electricity.
Madmaker is a do-it-yourself (DIY) mobile marketing tool, allowing marketers to make their own mobile campaign sites in a short time, without requiring coding or design skills.