Mayo County Council elected not to allow mining, deciding that the gold was "fine where it was".
The most easily exploited deposit of the Toolebuc Formation, allowing open-pit mining, is located near Julia Creek.
He believes that allowing mining in this area to be pursued would negatively impact this tourism industry.
Mayo County Council elected not to allow mining.
Mormoopid bats roost in caves and tunnels in huge colonies that may include hundreds of thousands of members, producing enough guano to allow commercial mining.
A bedrock resource (19.57 MOz) has been identified, and expansion of the facility to allow mining and processing of basement rock was approved in 2002.
There the chief minister - from the opposition BJP - has been arrested for allegedly allowing widespread illicit mining.
The Wilderness Act allowed existing mining "patents" - claims to the minerals in a given location - to be exercised in a few wilderness areas.
Yellowstone was threatened in 1883-4 by a plan to allow mining, but the park was saved after an intense debate.
According to the report, Dharam Singh is at fault for allowing illegal mining in "patta" lands.