I frequently enjoy the stories told in the space, but I can't help wondering about the unintended effects of a news column that often allows its reporters' opinions to shine through.
No philosopher allows his opinions to be swayed by facts - he would be kicked out of his guild.
Most people did not vote Gray, he knew, but a great many did allow their opinions to be swayed and their priorities edited by the Party's unceasing agitation.
We have a responsibility to inform ourselves rather than allowing our opinions to be sold to the highest bidder.
Sharp1 - 2 months ago A real woman is a woman is comfortable in her own skin and doesn't allow others' opinions to define her.
He also notes that the protagonist is "bumbling" because he allows his personal opinions to taint the physical evidence, leading him to incorrect conclusions.
Some papers have mixed that up, allowed their opinions to too much colour the way they report stories.
You haven't, and I have absolutely no intention of allowing your uninformed opinions to color the official position of this mission.
The sites also allow teenagers to chat, offer their opinions about products and content and, in some cases, make their own music or spray graffiti across a virtual wall.
This could allow people's opinions to be recorded, which would be evaluated later on and incorporated as part of our decision-making process.