But West routinely allowed his partner to win with the nine, and there was then no defense.
West could have led the ten, allowing his partner to locate the king in the South hand.
But he allowed his partner to win, and the spade shift was difficult for East.
Seeing the importance of allowing his partner to win, he played low and was happy when West produced the queen.
West won with the king and continued the suit, allowing his partner to take two more tricks there.
He could have led one originally, or allowed his partner to win the club lead and shift to a trump.
I have allowed my partner to seduce me back into using a fridge.
Now allow your partner to bathe in darkness for a few moments.
The House bill allows victims, their families, medical specialists, counselors and sexual partners to also learn of the results.
I'm still waiting for the religion that allows multiple partners of different sexes.