"I'm sorry, but I can't allow noncommissioned personnel to go into such a dangerous situation."
In July 2012, the hospital came under severe criticism for allowing non-medical personnel to take up para medical care.
The laws of war do allow non-combatant military personnel to carry individual weapons for protecting themselves and casualties.
Mr. Carnicero said his proposal allowed key management and other personnel to purchase 5 percent of the new company.
Company officials said the analyzer, which does not use liquid chemicals, will allow medical personnel on the ground to evaluate the condition of the crew.
"Said it was forbidden to allow Persian military personnel beyond the trading emporium."
That system was intended to allow the police, fire and medical personnel to respond when emergency assistance is needed.
In practice, that could mean allowing nonmedical personnel to administer such treatments.
The judge also allowed medical personnel to administer a sedative to assist the process.
The software also allows personnel in the plane or on the ground to control the drop manually.