Broadband and improved video streaming technology has allowed independent producers to create low budget series distributed on the Internet.
Establishing a system of agricultural information allowing producers to have an efficient decision-making process for their business.
Japan's auto makers said this would provide an umbrella to allow American producers of mini-vans to raise their prices.
This program allows writers, actors and producers to road test their work on a real audience before heading into produciton.
The cancellation decision came early enough to allow producers time to wrap up the show's storyline.
A second route might be to allow domestic producers to agree on predatory responses to attempts by foreign suppliers to enter the national market.
The aim of the Commission's proposal is to allow producers who can no longer use registered names to adapt to the law.
For the last year or so, the authority has refused to allow producers to film subway scenes that officials think are too violent.
The long episode allowed producers to carry out such a stunt.
Allowing producers of electricity to compete for utility customers should assure the lowest possible price, the commission says.