This allows radiation and chemotherapy to be tailored to kill cancer cells while leaving healthy tissue alone.
However, it is believed that quantum mechanical effects may allow Hawking radiation to be emitted at this distance.
Such leaks were important because they could allow radiation to escape.
At the same time, the plasma window will allow radiation such as lasers and electron beams to pass.
But to accomplish that, the forward seeker dome on the missile has to allow infrared radiation to pass through it.
The uncertainty principle would allow particles and radiation to leak out of the black hole at a steady rate.
Ozone depletion allows more ultraviolet radiation from the sun to reach the earth's surface.
Less winter ice cover allows more solar radiation to penetrate the lake and warm the water.
The type of sample container used must allow radiation to pass over the spectral region of interest.
Delaying permanent storage of the waste would allow radiation in old reactors to die down, making it easier to dismantle them, he said.