Still, "fair use" does not allow wholesale reproduction, and prosecutors could argue that his organization was raising money from its activities.
This allows reproduction free of charge in any format or medium provided it is reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context.
Invented in the 19th century, the process allowed rapid and accurate reproduction of documents used in construction and industry.
The heterogonic life cycle is advantageous to the parasite because it allows reproduction for one or more generations in the absence of a host.
The reason was not to give longer playing time, but to allow louder reproduction.
They rotated at 120rpm, and they were intended to allow louder reproduction, not increased fidelity or playing-time.
The question, again, is whether some kind of hidden cooling mechanism is allowing successful reproduction.
The 50mm and 100mm were marketed with extension tubes that allowed life-size reproduction.
This is advantageous to the parasite as it allows reproduction for one or more generations in the absence of the host.
Just the arrival of technological progress allowed easy and cheap reproduction of images for the American comic to take off.