The former had allowed restrictions on some public gatherings and speech, censorship of news media reports and gave security forces added powers.
Trade tariffs were ended, allowing less restrictions on trade.
The Republican plans contain big gaps in coverage and allow restrictions on what drugs will be covered.
The bill calls for free pedestrian flow on the steps and would allow temporary restrictions requested by the police.
The Buckley decision of 1976 allowed, as a means of combating corruption, restrictions on political contributions.
His proposal, he said, would allow such restrictions to pass the constitutional test.
It has also allowed restrictions on freedom of movement, as my Hungarian colleague has said.
In the European Union, which champions democracy and promotes democratic values throughout the world, we must not allow restrictions on freedom of the press.
If we want to be logical, we must allow restrictions and back these up with educational campaigns.
China joined the organization in November 2001, under rules allowing restrictions on its textile and apparel exports through 2008.