This it may well do, but whether it will allow smaller rivals to flourish is far less clear.
That is especially true when a dominant player in a market fails to react to change, allowing new and aggressive rivals to innovate with products or pricing.
Many buyers and their solicitors are not keeping up to speed with today's fast-moving market, allowing rivals to snatch the deal from under their noses.
The ruling would allow foreign rivals of the big carrier, known as Telmex, greater access to Mexico's telecommunications market.
The next stage, for example, ends with a 24.9-mile descent from the Alps, allowing rivals he might leave behind uphill to catch him downhill.
This would allow rivals like AOL and Earthlink to offer faster internet connections to their subscribers.
And the uncertainty about Mushroom King's future allowed rivals to take away some customers, he said.
Wealth had become just as important as heredity in determining social status, which had allowed several rivals to William's primacy to emerge.
It would threaten the sky-high prices charged by many foreign telephone monopolies, by allowing rivals to set up new networks.