"Cat seats" can be fitted to allow disabled sailors to sail the H16 without too much penalty.
He also signed an agreement to allow shipwrecked Japanese sailors to be repatriated.
A. The two towers allowed sailors to recognize the harbor and distinguish it from the nearby lighthouse of Sandy Hook.
The squadron tried to allow sailors as much leave as possible, but completing the crossdeck was the priority.
It was one of the first London clubs to allow women boat owners and sailors to participate in this hitherto 'male only' sport.
This allowed sailors to navigate the seas more accurately with the magnetic needle compass, also first described by Shen.
The sail area was reduced by 35% from the Standard with a shorter pre-bent bottom mast section, allowing even lighter sailors to sail.
He wasn't forced to allow Canadian sailors on board to check things out.
This focus allows sailors with a modest budget to remain highly competitive.
The south-east trade winds allowed sailors to travel from Tonga to Fiji, but much harder to return.