A cloth bottom (i) allows excess seawater to seep through.
The cloth across the bottom, which allows excess seawater to drain through and which is airtight when wet, now sports a hole.
Holes in the reef allow fresh seawater to flow through, preventing stagnation.
The heads would pop off from stress corrosion, allowing seawater to leak into the bilges.
More frequently, a fault in the insulation will allow seawater to leak in and reach the copper conductor that carries power to the repeaters.
Some of these depressions extend below sea level, allowing seawater to infiltrate and form shallow ponds.
However, these causeways do not allow seawater to circulate freely and in consequence this has caused significant ecological damage.
Many residents saw the inlet as an answer to allow clean seawater in to flush out the filth.
The seal in a missile hatch cover failed, allowing seawater to leak into the missile tube and react with residue from the missile's liquid fuel.
First, the rugged, autonomous, virtually indestructible tunnel-boring machine extended the shaft downward by another dozen feet or so, allowing seawater to fill the deepening hole.