The government also suspended all civil administration work on 23 January to allow public servants to leave the area.
They wonder about the liability, ethics and equity of allowing, even encouraging, public servants to provide enhanced security only for private interests who can afford it.
That this wouldn't have happened if we hadn't allowed public servants on social media in the first place.
In one move in recent days, his administration said it was seeking to allow civil servants to buy automobiles without paying import duties.
The king himself often stuck livestock such as pigs or cows to death before he allowed servants to bring them to prepare them.
It was envisaged as a portable device to allow civil servants to write and print their own reports, rather than using the services of typists.
This will enable the Government to get secondees from the business world into its procurement teams and allow civil servants to get real commercial experience.
The House bill would allow civil servants to solicit campaign money from the public and to run for office in partisan elections.
For example, they say, their proposal to allow female civil servants to wear Muslim head scarves is simply an effort to permit more freedom of choice.