This put the piano strings under greater tension to allow better sound.
Connecting holes cut in the floor allowed water, sound and smoke to pass between these spaces.
The damper pedal raises all of the dampers, which allows sound to continue even after the key is released.
But 'Mimic' was shot with a lot of darkness and ambiguity, so it allowed sound to play a role in the storytelling.
These pipes allow sound to travel into them and cause the sound waves to bounce off the closed, flat, ends of the pipe.
Some software supported use of two Mockingboard cards, which allowed 12-voice music and sound.
The jagged hole allowed sound to leak out like water from a dying jellyfish.
He owns an audio palette, the fine-tuning component of the system that allows sound to be adjusted on six different frequencies.
IntServ can for example be used to allow video and sound to reach the receiver without interruption.
He likes to shoot people in groups at medium range, allowing sound and movement to spill in from outside of the frame.