Software providers have developed "Virtual Check 21" standards within electronic banking systems which allows creation and submission of demand draft documents to the bank of deposit.
It allows submission of both sequential and parallel jobs and also provides job accounting facilities.
The grant enables Symphogen to complete pre-clinical development of Sym002, which allows submission of an Investigational New Drug application for new safety studies.
The country improved procedures at ports by abolishing the requirement for a consular certificate and allowing submission of information required for customs clearance electronically.
June 20, 2006 - Added notice of rulemaking allowing electronic submission of HSR filings.
The system will allow submission of the work orders online and a review of the status of previously submitted orders.
Registered free users can submit up to 40 proposals each month for free; paid membership plans allow submission of additional proposals.
With KGS support, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment released a program that allows online submission of digital water-well drilling records.
Experience points grant members increased access to the website's features and allow submission of more links per day.
The database allows the electronic issuing of Packaging Recovery Notes and submission of quarterly returns by reprocessors and exporters.