Critics charged that allowing suspects to be detained by the same authorities who interrogated them heightened the potential for abuse and coercion.
The brass constantly sent out memos that warned of disciplinary measures for anyone who allowed suspects to smoke in the interrogation rooms.
In some cases, the Bosnian Army has been reluctant to allow suspects from these groups to be questioned, much less arrested.
It would allow terrorist suspects to be held incommunicado for five days.
But others feared that the measure, which allowed suspects to be detained for 30 days without appearing in court, would be used against the Muslim minority.
Human rights advocates criticized the ruling on the ground that it set a precedent for allowing suspects to be turned over to countries where torture is used to extract evidence.
Seven years later he received the command of a frigate, but was later relieved of his command for refusing to allow arrested political suspects on board.
It allows suspects in rape cases involving minors abroad to be prosecuted in France.
Allowing suspects to quickly regain their freedom, he said, would waste police resources and disillusion the law-abiding community .