Knowledge of blood circulation and tissue health were discovered and spread throughout the ancient world allowing techniques to improve.
This kind of optimization can also allow new techniques to be performed.
The order is secret, but it is known to allow domestic surveillance and other intrusive investigative techniques when there is no specific suspicion of crime.
This allows separate, and simpler, techniques to model each behaviour.
The new generations of dynamic dilution olfactometers quantify odors using a panel and can allow different complementary techniques:
For example, the 'enclosures' concentrated land and allowed new techniques, but only through completely disrupting the social relations existing in the countryside.
At bottom, enhanced activities for banks in the securities business would simply allow them additional techniques to provide capital to those who need it.
An e-mail message from the agent made several references to President Bush's signing of an order allowing such techniques.
Not even trial and error, but just a case of seeing obvious possibilities within the existing, allowed techniques, I suppose.
This allows various imperfect techniques to be used.