The Bush administration allowed tests to proceed after the Clinton administration ended them in 1998.
But Ms. Boxer argued that no level of risk to human health was worth allowing tests to continue.
Earlier this month, Ms. Spellings said she would consider allowing alternate tests for more special education students.
This allows code, tests, and documentation to evolve together.
"If the President had decided to allow tests of 500 pounds, it would have killed the whole thing."
It is a non-destructive technique (will not damage the evidence in question) thus allowing further tests to be carried out.
Had he allowed more medical tests, he and his wife would have been in a better position to evaluate the situation.
The Maralinga people had been moved from their lands in the 1950s to allow British nuclear tests.
And because it allows more tests in less time, mathematical modelling has become an essential tool for aircraft designers.
Next there is the problem of whether or not to allow comparative tests.