LIFESPAN makes use of special fields called Scrolled areas to allow you to view or update information which is best presented in a tabular form.
The browser-based application allows users to post and update content, insert images or video, create polls, provide feedback, and manage Q&A sessions.
Kiosks that allow patients to check in for their scheduled appointments and update their personal demographics reduce the need to line up and interact with a registration clerk.
In August, they introduced a new tool called Listening, which allows users to search keywords on social networks and update them in a dashboard.
The American Institute of Physics requires the transfer of copyright from the authors, but allows the authors to post and update an article:
CPRS provides a client-server interface that allows health care providers to review and update a patient's electronic medical record.
This allows for real time access to the database and allows agencies to enter and update cases directly into the database.
(EBay allows sellers to change or update auction listings if no bids have been placed.)
Also introduced was the 'Workflow Manager' tool, which allows users to build and update reservoir models quickly. invites business owners to register with the site, allowing them to add and update their business information and display rich media, including video, for free.