The program launched on 28 August 2008, an artistic magazine program allowing youth to have access to their favorite celebrities for a typical day.
Reflection, dialog, and communication are elements that allow youth to take into account their place in the world, decisions, errors, and questions.
This structure allows youth to develop their leadership skills over several years through gradually more intense and more advanced levels of instruction.
This has the potential positive long term effect of allowing youth to find higher wage employment.
"We allow youth to live as children and enjoy scouting without immersing them in the politics of the day."
Virginia also provides scholarships to allow underserved youth to participate in these programs.
These places allow youth to share a cultural interchange with one another including musical genres such as hip hop.
He allows youth use the place for free, on condition that they are respectful, empathetic to others, and do well in school.
The center will allow youth and families in crisis to access needed services through an integrated approach.