The total allowable catch is set as a proportion of this biomass.
Each share represents a percentage of the total allowable catch for the species and region, called a fishery.
"The total allowable catch this year is 772 metric tons," said Kendall.
Under the Bush proposal, rights to the total allowable catch in an area would be divided among commercial interests.
Of course, if we are serious about conservation, we need total allowable catches.
For example, in 2006, the total allowable catch was 36 000 tonnes.
The total allowable catch for this year has been reduced to 13 500 tonnes.
Further reductions in the total allowable catches will occur in 2012 and 2013.
Nevertheless, these estimates must be used to establish the total allowable catches.
The Indians argue that they have never taken more than a small part of the total allowable safe catch.