Kanjibhai Rathod directed this mythological allegory which alluded directly to political issues of the day.
Clearly, we need a second category for those verbs that still allude directly to the name and that are consequently often written with a capital letter.
However, there is also a considerable age difference between Gortokai and Tene, to which he never directly alludes.
Its true purpose was always masked, for nothing in the story's text directly alluded to its deadly effect.
Wright directly alludes to the Bible in the epigraph of Native Son.
While not alluding directly to the Lewinsky scandal, Clinton emphasizes forgiveness.
In such plays, "the poet alludes directly to fifth-century events or developments, but moves them back into the mythological past.
Neither Hay nor Kate alluded directly to the coming wedding.
It happens, though it would be nice if the couple alluded directly to Ashley's conflict of interest.
Eliot also alluded to Baudelaire's poetry directly in his own poetry.