Generally though, it means an alluring and fascinating woman, who is passionate and enthusiastic with life.
The root cause was the intense rivalry of men/warriors over beautiful and alluring women from either side.
Clodia, not as young as she once had been but still a most alluring woman, gazed at the three men with dark eyes wide.
"And I have never met a more alluring woman."
Three more alluring women would be hard to find in all of European art.
Joshua made her feel like a sensual, alluring woman.
Bill, meanwhile, is arm in arm with two alluring women who promise to take him "where the rainbow ends."
He began to steal in order to increase his income and shower the alluring woman with presents.
He is targeted by an alluring woman (Macy) with a laptop and an agenda.
I could see the little wounds vanishing, leaving her again the alluring woman she had been before.