The two Kurdish factions, longtime political rivals, agreed to share power when the United States and its allies created the safe haven.
In that sense, Mr. Reed was offering help with a problem that he and his allies had created.
The United States and its allies created the no-flight zones afterward to help protect the ethnic populations in those regions.
The Koreans and their American allies created a massive air fighting force at Kangnung to assure complete domination in this vitally important northeast region.
There are workplace resources for how allies can create a more inclusive work environment, including programs available through PFLAG.
The allies created an international system to maintain the territorial status quo and prevent the resurgence of an expansionist France.
The United States and its allies created the zones to protect Iraqi ethnic groups facing repression by Baghdad.
Caesar now understood that he couldn't get there alone, that he needed allies more powerful than the men of a faction created by himself for himself.
When Douglas and his allies created the ACT New Zealand party, Shirley was involved.
Álzaga's ally, Francisco Javier de Elío, created a Junta in the city of Montevideo, and Álzaga attempted to do the same.