A strong ally of the mayor, Jerry Cammarata, led the committee that wrote the evaluation.
Former allies in Season 7 such as Andrew and Rona now lead squads of their own.
Ten allies devoted a greater share of their gross national product to the military, led by the United States at 6.7 percent.
And virtual diplomacy leads to virtual allies and virtual allies lead to no allies at all.
Meanwhile, the Netherlands' local ally Arung Palaka led a ground attack.
In 1704 the French and their Native American allies led a Raid on Deerfield, Massachusetts, burning that town to the ground.
But no decision had been reached by the allies leading the military relief effort.
But people familiar with Santa Fe predicted he and his allies might lead a battle to vote Santa Fe executives out of office.
Soon thereafter the allies of the betrayer lead the way to the second stone.
Following the initial shock, Zhou Yu and the allies led a lightly armed force to capitalise on the assault.