His ally Suleiman the Magnificent sent a doctor, who allegedly cured the patient with yogurt.
The allies then sent emissaries to a number of smaller states and received the support of many of them.
And just as many allies sent ships, they could have sent hundreds of combat planes.
Haiphong was the main point of entry for everything that the Soviet Union and its allies sent to Vietnam.
The United States and its allies then sent armed forces into northern Iraq to establish refugee havens.
As Beverly struggled to keep her adversaries in sight, her ally sent two more of his colleagues crashing into walls.
The Western allies sent military assistance, but the campaign was not effectively run.
Athens and her allies sent a fleet of 200 ships to assist Inarus - a substantial investment of resources.
Hammurabi's allies in northern Mesopotamia had sent their armies to the south to help Babylon.
The dollar dropped sharply today after the United States and its economic allies sent a strong message that they wanted a decline.