Last year, sales of clothing alone reached about $50 million, from almost nothing 10 years ago.
Car production alone reached 179,000, an increase of almost 83 percent from a year ago.
Initial cost projections for rebuilding the I-580 connector alone reached $10 million.
These are conservative estimates as one Korean prime-time television show alone reached 8 million.
Construction alone reached $15 billion last year, roughly 50 percent more than annual construction spending through much of the 1990's.
The last series alone reached over 70 million people in India.
Sales of Celebrex alone reached $3.1 billion in 2001.
Most of the 15 teams that didn't hire them have not had winning seasons since, let alone reached the playoffs.
It was at the most difficult part for him to reach alone.
Since 2007, 15 000 murders have been committed in the war against drugs, with the figure in 2009 alone reaching 7 724.