Duncan voted, along with three other Republicans, to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq by April 2008 on July 12, 2007.
Stark's main support came from Democrats in the Senate, along with Republicans in both chambers.
Time and again, Democrats rose to their feet along with Republicans to cheer Mr. Bush.
Their names would go on a line at the top of the ballot along with the Democrats and Republicans, instead of the also-ran section reserved for independents.
And some moderate Democrats, along with conservative Republicans, strongly oppose proposals that would legalize illegal immigrants, saying they amount to an amnesty for lawbreakers.
Metcalfe along with other Republicans are with contact with alleged white supremacists.
In 1998, Baldwin was reelected, along with fellow Republicans David Boschert and Janet Greenip.
Hayes, along with congressional Republicans, disagreed.
He's gone along with Republicans.
There is no use having a senator famous for getting along with Republicans if he never challenges them on issues of profound importance.