The Miller Air Park Association appealed the decision, along with several private citizens concerned that the tower would threaten the area's rural character.
His senior officers, including Reed and Cadwalader, were there, along with local citizens whom Washington invited both to attend the meeting and to speak freely.
Since 2005, Bil'in villagers have been engaging in weekly Friday demonstrations against these activities, along with Israeli citizens and international peace activists.
They suffer in war-torn areas along with citizens under attack.
Arthur and James had been whole-heartedly anti-Ottoman, along with most other British and American citizens.
In Congress on Wednesday a House committee voted to strip totally legal immigrants of 35 benefits they had been receiving along with American citizens.
During the summer, the family picked cotton along with other citizens of Abbott.
Dozens of the city's industrialists, along with other private citizens, eager for a work force resource in their home town, threw their support behind the fund-raiser.
One would suspect the safety of paying customers, along with citizens on the ground, is a top priority to those interested.
The opposition, along with various non-governmental organisations and individual citizens, have complained about careless governance in different cases.