Social comparison can also motivate students to do well because they want to keep along with their peers.
But it was also a proclamation that he, along with his peers, was too cranky to stop now.
They also learn how to get along with their peers, and they develop the skills that will one day help them succeed as adults.
"I think Johnny will do a good job, but it could get difficult to get along with his peers."
The school has diverse alternatives that allow each student to develop their abilities and concerns along with their peers.
Can we not provide a way that students, along with their peers and teachers, might begin to offer their own solutions to the violence around them?
He got along with his peers and in general wanted the same things they wanted.
It is vital for guardians to make sure that adolescents learn to get along with their peers.
It's making me learn how to get along with my peers.
Besides freeing her to work more, day care would have helped the child develop skills along with his English-speaking peers.