The captain's eyes crinkled at the corners, but he refrained from laughing along with his staff.
Its commanding general had been visiting one of his divisions, along with his staff, and hadn't been heard from since 0200 or so.
Lewis was fired from Idaho State, along with his entire staff, on November 20, 2006, after they won only two games during the season.
The club was created and is run by Brian Potter along with his staff.
This group of doctors, along with their dedicated staff, created the world's first private integrated group practice.
How are you getting along with your staff here?
They died, four days ago, as the offensive began, along with all their staff.
"That he's dead, burned up at his home along with his whole staff?"
Lieutenant Jody Armstrong was there along with the colonel's staff.
Matsuno worked on the port along with the game's original staff.