Instead of a lance, she carried a bow, along with her slim sword.
Mat was the last to move, and so found himself staying behind to guard the cloaks, along with Rand's sword and Perrin's axe.
His cloak had gone, along with his sword and Qanuc knife.
Fascinating details such as Bonnie Prince Charlie's traveling canteen of cutlery, along with his sword and targe (a small bag), bring history to life.
The focus on heroism has always been prevalent at the fort as well, which displays a lock of Crockett's hair, along with Houston's sword.
Inside the tomb he finds an Atlantean General's ceremoniously displayed corpse along with his sword which he takes as his own.
Yani striding along with her sword at her side seemed to excite especial interest.
Duncan buckled two short knives to his belt, along with the Old Duke's sword.
Some soldiers' hands were missing, along with the artilleryman's sword hilt and the cavalry officer's spurs.
A small treasure chest is found along with Grimbeard's famous sword, the Stormblade.