Lady Ashton asked sharply, her grey brows rising along with her voice.
The sound of the wind in the thatching whispered along with Kea's voice, and at times it seemed to him he discerned a few words.
She is a rarity in this Botoxed, liposuctioned world, and that fact, along with her exquisite voice, should be hailed.
A second later the image of the alien building disappeared, along with the announcer's voice.
On this morning, he demonstrated vibrato by shaking his body along with his voice.
The face behind the mask had faded, along with McHogue's voice.
This, along with his high-pitched voice, suggests that Kirby is young.
The one which, along with her voice, put the goddess body in the shade.
Her eyes dropped along with her voice.
As a final incongruity, he had adopted a clipped British accent to go along with his voice.