They played this, along with 2 other songs, as tribute to 2Pac.
The full music video was released in May 6, 2013 along with 10 songs from the album.
They sit nestled on his computer hard drive along with 800 or so other songs he has accumulated the same way.
Viewers can read along with songs they already know, and initial studies show that the program does help reading comprehension.
She sings along with songs she does not yet know.
The song was recorded on their first demo in January 1992 along with two other songs.
It was released as a promotional single on September 20, along with two other songs from the album.
They were incorporated into the story, along with 10 songs by other composers from the show's previous versions.
Country music also picked up on the trend of promotional clips to go along with songs.
For everyone else who wants to sing along with songs from animated Disney films, this is your chance.