Knossos along with other Minoan sites was destroyed at that time.
Thirteen cities, 140 towns, 4,000 villages and 100,000 acres of cultivable land would disappear, along with sites of cultural importance.
Lowton had a toffee factory, along with other sites of heavy industry.
Among other things, the teams' owner envisioned an arena that would contain the latest in lucrative luxury suites and sky boxes, along with retail sites.
These pictographs - along with other sites - have been described by the National Park Service as "unique and a significant world heritage".
All the synagogues along with other historical and religious sites had been blown up or otherwise destroyed.
More locations, including the health center and hotel, opened in 2009, along with additional sites in phase one.
These features along with unique ethnic minority culture and important historical sites make it a growing tourist destination.
It was probably an egalitarian society along with other sites from the same region and time period (such as Cerro Mangote).
The village recently designated a historic district on Bond Street, along with various other sites built in the 19th and 20th centuries.