Along with the bridge, a significant upgrade of the approach roads was completed, which became the six-lane Warringah Road.
During the withdrawal of Russian troops from Warsaw in August 1915, the station was demolished, along with the bridge to which it led.
Along with the new bridge a new commuter train station, Årstaberg, was created south of the bridges.
Route 1011 is the internal designation for Flagstone Road, one of the two side roads in Pennsylvania along with the bridge.
The road was built in 1997 by the Mercovias company along with the international bridge in a 25-year public lease.
Kelis (Nas' ex-wife) helps sing the chorus along with the bridge on "American Way".
Landmarks include the lily-laden lake to which the painter devoted his later years, along with the Japanese bridge spanning it.
A photo of it along with the now-available pedestrian bridge can be seen on the City of Griswold's website.
The part nearest the Union Avenue Bridge was redone along with the bridge.
The buttermarket in Harrold has often been an iconic image in Harrold, along with the bridge.