Literary purists may turn up their noses at such merchandise in bookstores, and there is something initially unsettling about seeing stuffed animals, sunglasses and quartz alarm clocks for sale alongside literary classics.
Mr. Menendez has started offering some of his dishes as daily specials, alongside Spanish classics like paella.
Measured by sheer longevity, "Married . . . With Children" will take its place alongside classics like "Cheers," "M.A.S.H." and "Happy Days."
Alongside such classics as bistecca di maiale (pork steak) you can get vegetable couscous.
Roger Ebert specifically mentioned the "terrifying qualities" of Hannibal Lecter, and later recognized the film as a "horror masterpiece", alongside such classics as Nosferatu, Psycho, and Halloween.
The calf-length linen dresses Hermes showed alongside perfectly cut blazers, jodhpurs and other classics were not meant to start a revolution.
Rolling Stone called it "one of the strongest studio sets of his career, standing alongside classics such as Singin' the Blues and Lucille." wrote "the down-n-dirty swagger of 'How D'You Ride', a slice of sleazy rock that stands proudly alongside such classics."